Rutherford House Audio
This audio was digitised from Rutherford Houses Tape collection recorded between 1984 and 2006
These tapes were recorded in a variety of venues and for some of them at a time when good recording equipment was not widely used - so quality is somewhat variable. However if you come across oddities such as false starts, repitions in the middle when the tape was turned over etc then contact me and I will try and fix it.
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101 James Packer 'Getting the Holy Spirit in Focus'
102 James Packer 'Augustian and Wesleyan Views about Holiness'
103 James Packer 'Charismatic Christianity and Biblical Theology'
104 James Packer 'Facing Holiness'
105 James Packer 'The Gospel of healing'
106 James Packer 'Guidance about Guidance'
107 Edmund Clowney 'Christ in the OT History of Redemption'
108 Edmund Clowney 'Christ in the Psalms'
109 Edmund Clowney 'Christ in the Wisdom Literature'
110 Edmund Clowney 'The Old and the New In Christ'
111 Edmund Clowney 'The Missionary Church of Christ'
115 Don Carson 'Greater than John the Baptist'
116 Don Carson 'The Death of Pride'
124 Donald MacLeod 'The Sanctity of Human Life'
130 James Philip 'For such a Time as This'
135 Robert Reymond 'Catherine Rose Memorial Lecture' (2)
136 Robert Reymond' A Ministry Approved by God'-1
137 Robert Reymond 'A Ministry Approved by God' -2
138 Robert Reymond 'A Ministry Approved by God' -3
139 Robert Reymond 'Where Can God be Found'
140 William Still 'What of the Future'
142 Sinclair Ferguson 'Christ's Ambassadors'
143 'The Minister as a Workman'
144 Sinclair Ferguson 'When Life Tastes Bitter'
145 Eric Alexander 'A Biblical View of the Eldership'
146 Eric Alexander 'A Biblical View of Eldership' 2
153 Don Carson 'Praying Under the Sovereignty of God'
154 Don Carson 'The Great Commission'
155 Nigel Cameron 'The Sanctity of Human Life'
156 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and the Person of God'
157 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and Praise of God'
158 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and the Purpose of God'
159 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and our Union with Christ'
160 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and God's People 1'
161 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and God's People 2'
162 Douglas Kelly 'Prayer and its Problems'
164 Debate between Nigel Cameron and Donald Macleod
170 Dick Lucas 'To Open Their Eyes'
171 James Philip 'Why Expository Preaching'
172a Carl Henry 'Presuppositions and Theological Method' Part 1
172b Carl Henry 'Presuppositions and Theological Method' Part 2
173 Carl Henry Living at the bottom of the well
174 Carl Henry 'The Harvest of Life'
175 James Packer 'From Scripture to Sermon'
176 James Packer 'From Scripture to Sermon - the Problem of Paradigms'
177 J I Packer 'The Atonement - Its necessity'
178 J I Packer 'The Atonement - its Effectiveness
180 James Packer 'Creeds and Confessions in Scotland Today'
181 James Packer Church Discipline
182 Donald MacLeod A Christian Mind
183 David Jackman 'Taking Jesus Seriously'
184 David Jackman 'Preaching Old Testament Narrative'
185 Dick Lucas 'The Priority of Preaching'
186 Dick Lucas Preachers and Preaching
187 Lesslie Newbigin Confessing Christ in a Multi-Religion Society
188 Colin Chapman Building Bridges with Muslims
189 David Searle Appeal to Preachers
190 David Searle 'Caring for the Flock'
191a John Blanchard EvangelisticPreaching
192 John Banchard We shall be like him
194 Don Carson 'Evangelistic Preaching in a Postmodern Age'
195 George Philip 'Partnership in the Gospel'
196 George Philip 'Encouragement in the Gospel'
197 George Philip 'Encouragement in the Gospel'
198 Donald MacLeod 'Review of Scottish Theology by Tom Torrance'
199 Tom Torrance 'Reply to Donald Macleod'
200 Tom Torrance and Donald Macleod Dialogue
204 Martin Allen The Ministry of Grace
209 Alistair Begg 'The Gospel' (Romans 1)
211 Alistair Begg 'Six lessons' (2 Tim 2 vv 3-14)
212 Alistair Begg 'Clay Pots' (2 Cor 4)
213 Alistair Begg 'Nehemiah 2'
214 Richard Coekin 'Challenge to Gospel Ministry'
217 Carl Trueman 'Calvin and the Psalms 1'
219 Peter Wilcox 'Calvin on the Prophets' 2
220 Sinclair Ferguson' Calvin on NT' - 1
221 Sinclair ferguson Calvin on NT -2
224 Paul Helm Calvin's Institutes-1
225 Paul Helm Calvin's Institutes-2
228 Sinclair Ferguson 'Preaching from Daniel' - 1
229 Sinclair Ferguson Preaching from Daniel - 2
230 Sinclair ferguson Preaching from Daniel - 3
231 Don Carson What is expositionary Preaching
232 Don Carson Preaching and Biblical Theology
233 Don Carson Preaching and the Bibles Different Genres
234 Don Carson Preaching to Real People
235 Dick Lucas 'Exposition for Espositors' - 1
236 Dick Lucas 'Exposition for Expositor's -2
237 Dick Lucas 'Exposition for Expositors' -3
238 Don Carson 'The Cross of Christ'
239 David Jackman' Isaiah's God'
240 David Jackman Isaiah's God -2
241 David Jackman 'Isaiah's God' -3
243 David Jackman Back to the Future
244 Sinclair Ferguson 'Paul's God'
245 Sinclair Ferguson 'Paul's God' -2
246 Sinclair Ferguson 'Paul's God' -3
247 John Stott 'The Paradox of Preaching'
248 Bruce Milne 'Christ as Prophet'
249 Bruce Milne 'Christ as King'
250 David Bruce 'Working with Children'
251 David Jackman 'The Preachers Study Time'
252 David Glover 'Reaching those who never attend church'
253a Bruce Milne 'Preaching in the 21st Century'
254 Richard Cunningham 'Congregational Evangelism'
255 Bruce Milne 'Christ as Priest'
257 Peter White 'Pulpit and Pastor'
258 Alex MacDonald Hot Potatos severe flutter
259 John Woodhouse 'Stepping Stones'
261 John Piper 'The Attractiveness of God'
262 John PiperThe Glory of God and the Gladness of Men
262 John Piper 'The Glory of God and the Gladness of Men'
264 Sinclair Ferguson'The Faith We Proclaim' - 1
265 Sinclair Ferguson ' The Faith We Proclaim' - 2
266 Sinclair Ferguson 'The Faith We Proclaim' - 3
267 Ravi Zacharius 'Understanding the Post-modern Mind' -1
268 Ravi Zacharius 'Understanding the Post-modern Mind' - 2
269 Dale Ralf Davies 'Preaching Christ from the OT' - 1
270 Dale Ralf Davies 'Preaching Christ from the OT'- 2
271 Dale Ralf Davies 'Preaching Christ from the OT' - 3
272 Melvin Tinker 'Bridgebuilding in Preaching'
273 David Easton 'Preaching om Marriage and Divorce'
274 Rico Tice 'Winning and Discipling New Believers'
275 Ravi Zacharius 'Preaching in Postmodern Culture'
276 John Piper 'Being a Minister and Still Enjoying God'
279 Bob Fyall 'Biblical Patterns of Leadership'
280 The 'Leader Who Longed for God' (2 Chron 14 and 15)
281 Tim Keller 'Pragmatism, Progressiveism and Moralism'
282 Tim Keller 'A Biblical Theology of Church Growth'
283 Tim Keller 'Sharing the Gospel Today'
284 Dick Lucas 'Patterns for Preachers from Mark - The Baptist'
285 Dick Lucas 'Patterns for Preachers from Mark - The Lord'
287 Dick Lucas 'How Prosperity was Restored'
288 Vaughan Roberts 'Releasing the Word'
289 Vaughan Roberts 'Recruiting the Labourers'
290 Bob Fyall 'Haggai - The Time is Now'
291 Bob Fyall 'Haggai - Better Things to Come'
292 Nigel Barge 'A Congregation of Preachers'
293 Peter Dickson 'Effective Evangelism'
294 Philip Hair 'Effective Prayer Meetings'
295 Mike Parker 'Building a Team'
296 Vaughan Roberts 'Training for Gospel Ministry'
297 Dominic Smart 'Apologetics'
297a Question and Answer Session
298 John Piper 'God is the Gospel' -1
299 John Piper 'God is the Gospel' - 2
300 John Piper 'God is the Gospel' -3
301 William Still Memorial Lecture John Piper 'A Call for Courage in the Cause of the Truth'
302 Peter Adam What is the Bible Holy God, Holy Scriptures 1
303 Peter Adam 'What is the Bible Jesus and the Bible'
304 Peter Adam 'what is the Bible - The Spirit's Powerful Words'
305 Martin Allen 'The Life of God in the Soul of Man (John 3)
306 Martin Allen 'The Life of God in the Soul of Man (John 15)
307 Bob Fyall 'Why Do the Nations Rage' (Daniel 7)
308 Bob Fyall 'King on Zion' (Daniel 9)
311 Peter Adam Seminar 'Biblical Spirituality'
312 Edward Lobb Seminar 'Training in the Local Congregation'
313 Bob Fyall Seminar 'The Why and How of Expository Preaching'
314 Nigel Barge Seminar 'A Congregation of Preachers'
315 John Piper Seminar 'Delight in God'
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