Scottish Evangelical Theology SocietyConference

Does the Church Matter?


Church and Culture


Jason Curtis is the Director of Rutherford House Edinburgh

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The Church and Para-churches



Rosemary Dowsett has worked for many years with OMF and has also served with Interserve. She has taught at International Christian College in Glasgow and has written books including The Great Commision.

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The Finlayson Lecture

The Church and the Urgent Patience of Christ


Kevin Scott has served as a Priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church and is currently working as a scientific instrument maker.

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Fresh Ways of being the Church


Nigel Barge is Minister of Torrance Church of Scotland. He is closely involved with the Crieff Fellowship and is on the Board of Rutherford House.


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  The Church as a Worshipping Community  

Jock Stein has a CV which embraces Church of Scotland minister, one-time Director of Carberry Tower Christian Centre and founder of the Carberry Festival. He has run a Christian publishing business and has been on several Church of Scotland committees including 'Why Believe'


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